ACity Editor

Dr. Sena Agbodjah, Vice President - Academic Affairs

Academic City makes new appointment

Academic City University College is excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Sena Agbodjah as the Vice President, Academic Affairs. She officially began her duties on Monday, June 3, 2024. With a wealth of experience in academic leadership and a...

Prof. Fred McBagonluri. Photo by Chelsea Seeber for Virginia Tech.

Prof. McBagonluri receives top engineering honour

The prestigious Virginia Tech Academy of Engineering Excellence has inducted Prof. Fred McBagonluri, the Founding President of Academic City University College. This recognition signifies Prof. McBagonluri’s exceptional contributions to the...

Prof. Fred McBagonluri calls for national AI strategy

President of Academic City University College, Prof.Fred McBagonluri, has emphasised the necessity for the formulation of a national strategy on artificial intelligence (AI), urging the government to prioritise its development alongside efforts to...