Delegation from Sierra Leone Visits Academic City

Delegation from Sierra Leone in Group Picture with Academic City Team

Academic City University College has hosted a high-level delegation from Sierra Leone, consisting of university leaders and implementers of the Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project (SLEDP), on a mission to learn from Ghana’s best practices in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

As part of a broader initiative to establish and enhance incubation hubs and business accelerator programmes within Sierra Leonean institutions, the delegation paid a visit to Academic City. The visit, which aimed to familiarise the delegation with the university’s operations, provided an opportunity for both institutions to exchange ideas and explore potential areas of collaboration.

The delegation visited Academic City’s Technology and Entrepreneurship Centre, a state-of-the-art facility that equips students and young entrepreneurs with the necessary tools, skills, and mentorship to transform innovative ideas into successful businesses. It provided them an opportunity to appreciate the operational frameworks and strategic approaches that have made the Centre a cornerstone of Academic City’s commitment to nurturing forward-thinking leaders.

They were also given an in-depth tour of the campus, including the university’s world-class facilities such as the engineering workshop, media lab, fluid and thermal mechanic engineering lab, and library, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the infrastructure and support systems that underlie Academic City’s success.

The delegation was particularly impressed by Academic City’s interdisciplinary approach to education, which integrates technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership into the curriculum. This ensures that students are not only academically capable but also equipped with the skills needed to thrive in the global economy.
